Membership and Dues
The Colony Bass Club prides itself on being affordable to the angler and their family. We have some of the lowest memberships and entry fees in the area. We want you to be able to afford to fish with your spouse or children and still enjoy fishing in a competitive and fun atmosphere.
Dues collected go towards the operating costs of the club for everything from meeting door prizes, trophies, plaques, weigh-in equipment, and web hosting.
Single Member: $30 per year
Family*: $40 per year
*Family members can fish together each tournament if they own a boat
Tournament entry fees are $15 per person
Fees go toward the club and the year-end classic (money tournament).
There is an optional side pot ($20) at each tournament which is decided upon by the tournament judge for that lake. The pot is distributed for heavy stringer (person who caught the most weight) and big bass (biggest single weight bass). Break up decided by the tournament judge.
Trophy Bass Pot (Optional): $20 and is for the largest bass caught over 8lbs in a tournament year. If no bass over 8lbs is caught the pot will rollover to the next year and you must pay in again to be eligible.
See you at the meeting for more details on dues and tournament costs.